Welcome to the All Schwarzwald Shuffleboard Open
Travel with us to exciting destinations while enjoying Monkey Tonics and some serious shuffleboarding! Qualify for the grand finale in the beautiful Schwarzwald and compete with the most sophisticated shuffleboard players in the world to win the prestigious Montgomery Collins Trophy!

Wunderbar Details
In order to participate in the qualifying round, we kindly ask you turn up no later than 20 minutes before it starts at the designated meeting place. Please note that you must be at least 18 years old to compete. The entrance fee includes Monkey Tonics and a variety of tasty fare. Don’t forget to dress up for this special day!


Travel with us to exciting destinations while enjoying Monkey Tonics and some serious shuffleboarding! Qualify for the grand finale in the beautiful Schwarzwald and compete with the most sophisticated shuffleboard players in the world to win the prestigious Montgomery Collins Trophy!

Wunderbare Fakten

In order to participate in the qualifying round, we kindly ask you turn up no later than 20 minutes before it starts at the designated meeting place. Please note that you must be at least 18 years old to compete. The entrance fee includes Monkey Tonics and a variety of tasty fare. Don't forget to dress up for this special day!

Wählen Sie einen Termin aus…

Tickets verfügbar

Ihre Terminauswahl

Datum: 12.09.2024 | Uhrzeit: 00:30 Uhr

Anzahl der Tickets (max. 8)

1 Ticket




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1 Ticket × 24,00

Inklusive 19% MwSt.
Preis netto 21,01
Enthaltende MwSt. 3,99
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